It Goes Like This. . .


Here is where it all begins. We will have an in depth conversation about everything you'd like to be a part of your project. Dream big and we'll figure out how to make it happen.


A detailed project proposal outlining everything we have discussed including concept/design, timeframe, budget and any other specifics related to the project. We will work together to come up with a proposal that everyone agrees to and is comfortable with.


Let the magic begin! No matter what the agreed timeline is for your project, I will always provide regular updates and demos for you to check-in on and provide feedback.

Launch & Support

Congratulations! Your project will be launched within the agreed timeframe, along with ongoing support for any updates or changes.


Renee Vogen

A freelance project I am finishing up for a musician client built with tailwind CSS.

Phoenix Salon

A beautiful, fully responsive website for an increasingly popular full-service salon.

100Devs Wordle!

A group project that created a fun, simple version of the popular Wordle game but with words and phrases from the leader of 100Devs. The time allotted was 3hrs and is primarily built using javascript.


A facial recognition web app built with React that stores and tracks data detected by the Clarifai API. Users can create and login to their profile to monitor all data related to their activity. They can add new photos through an input, which will show them information about where face(s) are in the photo.

On-demand Background Generator

Background Generator is a very handy tool that creates beautiful linear backgrounds and the associated CSS code for you to copy.

May the code be with you

A full-stack web app built with js, EJS, nodejs and express. This is a project I worked on to explore express, nodejs and api/backend implementation. This app allows you to store your favorite star wars quotes in a database and manipulate them with different buttons. Database is Mongo Atlas and deployed via Heroku.